Monday, December 15, 2008

Saturday Party

My friends made a party on Saturday night. I went to the party after I got out of my job. I was tire but I attended to the party anyways. We had fun very much. The party ends at four o'clock in the morning. I don't remember at what time I got home but I'm sure it was early. I was tire but I enjoyed it.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I think LINCC program is a very good learning source. They have differents ways to teach us during the class. For example, watch movies during the class in order to improve our listening. Also, we do a lot of writing every day. I checked my paragraphs from the beginning of the semester and I really improved my writing. The teachers are very good.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Trip to Manhatan

The trip was reallly amazing. I enjoyed it so much. The show at the museum was awesome. It looked real. I felt like flying around the universe. After that, we went to see the christmas tree in the city. The night was very cold.

Monday, December 8, 2008


I love christmas because I speed a lot of time with my family. We make a family dinner for that day. Also, I love the food that my family make for everybody. They usually coock " Tamales" and some other food from my coutry. It is a very special day for us. We exchange gifts every christmas. We also have a good party almost all night.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The oportunities to succeed in my country

There aren't much oportunities in my coutry. The peopele is having a hard time to live. It is very hard to find a job. Peope try to do anything to live, so the delinquency issue is becaming another social program. Childrens are starting to work from very youg age because their parent don't have enaugh money to send them to the school. I wish one day my country could pass this hard time.