Monday, December 15, 2008

Saturday Party

My friends made a party on Saturday night. I went to the party after I got out of my job. I was tire but I attended to the party anyways. We had fun very much. The party ends at four o'clock in the morning. I don't remember at what time I got home but I'm sure it was early. I was tire but I enjoyed it.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I think LINCC program is a very good learning source. They have differents ways to teach us during the class. For example, watch movies during the class in order to improve our listening. Also, we do a lot of writing every day. I checked my paragraphs from the beginning of the semester and I really improved my writing. The teachers are very good.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Trip to Manhatan

The trip was reallly amazing. I enjoyed it so much. The show at the museum was awesome. It looked real. I felt like flying around the universe. After that, we went to see the christmas tree in the city. The night was very cold.

Monday, December 8, 2008


I love christmas because I speed a lot of time with my family. We make a family dinner for that day. Also, I love the food that my family make for everybody. They usually coock " Tamales" and some other food from my coutry. It is a very special day for us. We exchange gifts every christmas. We also have a good party almost all night.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The oportunities to succeed in my country

There aren't much oportunities in my coutry. The peopele is having a hard time to live. It is very hard to find a job. Peope try to do anything to live, so the delinquency issue is becaming another social program. Childrens are starting to work from very youg age because their parent don't have enaugh money to send them to the school. I wish one day my country could pass this hard time.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner

I love Thanksgiving dinner because my familly come to our house. My aunt and other familly cooked for everybody. The dinner was delicious. We had a really good time that night. After the dinner we made a small party. The only thing that I didn't like was that I get full really quickly.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Dinner From Last Night

The food was very good. I liked the cake very much. It was yummy. After the dinner we danced for about two hours. I enjoyed the party so much. Everybody was very happy. I left the party at 11 pm.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dinner in my fiend's house

I have to go to my friend house tonight. They'll celebrate his brother birthday. He told me that his mom will cook for everybody. I don't know what food they will have but I'm sure it will be delicious. I have to be there at 7:30 pm. They will have a party after the dinner. I hope to have fun tonight

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Busy Day

I woke up at three in the mornig. I drove my brother to the airport. After that I went back home to pick up my cousin to go to work. I work from seven in the morning to five in the afternoon. I get home at six and I starter to do my homewor. Then,, my dad told me to pick him up in Queens. Finally, I get home again.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

International Student Panel

The International Student Panel was really good. I saw different people there. I liked the way that made that activitie. It was really interesting how the speakers tried to give us very good examples by just speaking. I believe these people are very braves. The best way to succed is by never give up. Finally, the food was delicious.


Monday, November 17, 2008


I like almos all kind of food. The Spanic food is my favorite. I love pizza too because you can get it almost everywhere and just by waiting a few minutes. I don't eat to much sea food but I'm sure I like it. The food is something very importan that we have. I would like to try new kinds of food from other contries.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Favorite TV Show

One of my favorites tv shows is Ride. It's one of the best tv shows about cars. In this program they pimp cars. I like it because it shows step by step how they pimp their cars. The picture of the car above is from the movie Gone in Sixty Seconds this is one that they made in this program. I usual see this program in discovery chanel.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Favorite Pet

My favorite pet is a dog. I like dogs because I think they are cute and frendly. I don't have one but if I would have one it should be a big dog. I don't like small dogs. In my country I use to have a black pit bull. He is three years old by the way I miss him. I hope to see him soon.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Family

The family develops a very important paper in the society. A united family can reach very importants goals. I really like to be with my family because when I need something they are always there to help me. I recomend you to love you family. Some times they are annoying but you must be pasiente and to listen what they say to take your own conclusions. Be proud your family and make them proud of you.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I would like to go to ...............

I would like to go to Rio de Janeiro. It is a beautiful city in brazil. The reason why I want to go to Rio is because it have a beautiful beaches and girls as well. The best time to go there is in
February because they have a very popular carnaval. I heard that the food is delisious. The temperatures in sumer time are above 100 degrees.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

United States Presidential Elections

I think this elections are the most interesting in my life. It was very difficult to predict the end of this race for the white house. I didn't have a favorite candidate during thise elections. Whowever I really hope to see the change in U.S. Finally, we know that Obama will be the next president of the United States. I expect from Obama to do his best.

Good luck Obama!

Monday, November 3, 2008

My Favorite Music

I really don't have a favorite kind of music. However I like all kind of music. I usually listening to Regueton, Bachata, Hip Hop, Salsa. I love music because it relax me a lot. I'm glad to hear new song. One of my favorites songs is "dime que te paso" the singer is Wisin y Yandel.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport is soccer. I love to play it with my friends. I'm not very good playing it but I try to do my best allways. In my country I use to play a soccer championship in August. My favorit soccer player is Leo Messi who is from Argentina and play for the Barcelona in
Spain. I'm a defense when I play.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How long I have been in the US?

Well, I have been in the US for almos two years. During this time I have done a lot of things. I remember that the first day in the US I felt very weak. A few days later I felt a little bit better. After a few months I met my first friend his name is June. He is from India and I met him in high school. I hope to improve my English in order to have better live and understanding.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Career

Actually I don't know yet what I really want to be in my future. I believe that the best way to succed is study what you really like. One of my goals is to graduate from college as a mechanic engineer. I will like to do 2 years in NCC and then make a transfer to Florida to finish my career. One of the things that I really like is the cars. I'll work very hard to achieve my goals.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What I like to do after school.

One of my favorite things to do after school is go to the gym. I like it because it make me feel healthful and useful. I usually work out four or five days at week. I try to keep the routine every week. It is very hard to work out but I like it. I hope someday can get the size that I wish to have. I think is a good idea to use you free time to help yourself to be healthful and to get away from your problems. Another reason to work out is that you can met people that can help you. YOU NEVER KNOW!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Watching a Movie at Home

We just finish to watch Transformers movie. I think that it's one of my favorites movies. Before watch the movie, my friens went to buy some popcorns. After that, we enjoyed the movie. It was a wonderful experience because we had fun and we shared a good time together. I hope to have more unforgetable days like thise.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

High School experiences

I liked the experience of being in high school. I felt weak the firts day of class.
After a few weeks in the school I met my firts friend. The teachers were very kind with me. The senior year was exellent because we did a lot of activities. I went to the prom party and I enjoy it. After that, my friends told me to go to the after prom party and we did it. My friend Junel fell sleep at the party and we woke up him with water.