Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Favorite Pet

My favorite pet is a dog. I like dogs because I think they are cute and frendly. I don't have one but if I would have one it should be a big dog. I don't like small dogs. In my country I use to have a black pit bull. He is three years old by the way I miss him. I hope to see him soon.


Elaine Soffer said...

I've never had a dog, but I like them. Actually, I only like the ones that don't jump up on me or bark too much. I think I might be scared of your pit bull although I've heard that if you are kind to them, they are gentle and loving. I'm sure you miss your dog very much. Who is taking care of him?

kaywilai said...

Hi Axel,
I have one dog. She is a half pit bull and....I forgot another one. She always bark the people when she is in a house.She barks like she wants to kill them but she is quite when she see the people outside. She always hungry. She eats every thing even vegetable. My food was stolen by her. She bit my shoes. She hurts me but I absolutely sour that I like her.

bifern0707 said...

Oh!you love a dog..
I love to have a dog too..but then it is too expensive in here. I can't afford for it. Also, i don't have time to take care of them.

satinder.blogspot.com said...

axel you love dogs.i like also.i like the black dogs.you miss your dog .