Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Family

The family develops a very important paper in the society. A united family can reach very importants goals. I really like to be with my family because when I need something they are always there to help me. I recomend you to love you family. Some times they are annoying but you must be pasiente and to listen what they say to take your own conclusions. Be proud your family and make them proud of you.


bifern0707 said...

I know that the family is very important to our lives..especially our parents. We should make them pround of us even though it is very hard for the teenager or young adult to do it...
Anyway we all love our families..!

miss u

Elaine Soffer said...

You're giving good advice, Axel, especially about being patient when family members annoy us. That's a hard one. I should try to do that more often.